Their Website:

UK Scaffold LTD

Why they needed it:

They had issues with their old host and were looking for some help, their old site had been lost and their emails had gone down. They wanted their site so that people could find them outside of social media and their emails for invoices and general management of the business. They didn’t need a huge multipage website, they needed a simple concise webpage showing what they do and providing ways to contact them.  

What we did to help:

First we found their old site using archiving software, we managed to save some of the old content. Then we built a new site using similar design principles and goals, this time however fully responsive across all devices. We used some of the old content mixed in with some new to give the website a new lease of life. We set up a new email provider and left them with a new modern website with emails all in one place.    

Where you else can find them: